Jars Needed for Embedding in WebApp?
Adam Causey
2012-01-25 15:54:21 UTC
Can someone give me a straightforward answer of what Jars are needed to run Mule embedded in Tomcat. So, if I have an app located at /opt/tomcat/webapps/mymuleapp, what Jar files do I need in the WEB-INF/lib? I prefer to pull them from Maven. I tried using just the mule-3.2.1-embedded.jar, but this did not work.

The documentation for mule is horrible.


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Andrew Perepelytsya
2012-01-25 16:39:55 UTC
It will depend on the transports used in your flows. Good thing you are
using maven already. Just add transport dependencies to the webapp pom.xml
and build war, it will pull the necessary ones.

Post by Adam Causey
Can someone give me a straightforward answer of what Jars are needed to
run Mule embedded in Tomcat. So, if I have an app located at
/opt/tomcat/webapps/mymuleapp, what Jar files do I need in the WEB-INF/lib?
I prefer to pull them from Maven. I tried using just the
mule-3.2.1-embedded.jar, but this did not work.
The documentation for mule is horrible.
Adam Causey
2012-01-25 17:34:32 UTC
So, all I will need it the mule embedded JAR and the transport dependencies. Where is a list of the Jars for the transport dependencies?

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Andrew Perepelytsya
2012-01-25 17:54:57 UTC
You don't even need embedded jar, let maven collect them. To see the list
or tree run mvn dependency:list/tree.

Post by Adam Causey
So, all I will need it the mule embedded JAR and the transport
dependencies. Where is a list of the Jars for the transport dependencies?
Adam Causey
2012-01-25 18:43:31 UTC
Where do I place the mule-config.xml in a Maven project? I tried under src/main/resources, but that doesn't seem to work.

Once I get this hello mule up and running in tomcat I should hopefully be alright.

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Andrew Perepelytsya
2012-01-25 19:22:19 UTC
That location is the right one, if you reference it in the classpath.
Otherwise depends on how you reference it. Post more details.

Post by Adam Causey
Where do I place the mule-config.xml in a Maven project? I tried under
src/main/resources, but that doesn't seem to work.
Once I get this hello mule up and running in tomcat I should hopefully be alright.
Adam Causey
2012-01-25 19:35:39 UTC
I'm not exactly sure where I am supposed to reference the config file. This is what I have in my web.xml:



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