CXF Interceptors issue in Mule Studio
Joe Hoppesch
2012-02-06 14:14:35 UTC
I'm having issues with interceptors being overwritten when switching back and forth between the Message Flow tab and the Configuration XML.
I don't see a way to add interceptors to the SOAP component via the Message Flow properties dialog so this seems to be a bug.

Here is the xml - I have in case that helps:

<cxf:proxy-client payload="body" enableMuleSoapHeaders="true" soapVersion="1.2" doc:name="SOAP">
<spring:ref bean="addressing"/>

If you then go to the Message Flow and update any of the properties there - the <cxf:outInterceptors> element is removed.

Can someone confirm this is a bug and/or give advice on how to maintain this? Thanks.

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Matías Pentreath
2012-02-06 17:39:04 UTC
Hi Joe,

The interceptors are going to be added to Studio, you can follow that issue in jira: http://www.mulesoft.org/jira/browse/STUDIO-1254

Also what you have mentioned about the two-way editing and the values that you loose it's a known bug that we hope to fix soon.
Unfortunately there is no work around more than leave that configuration for when you finish your flow.

Best Regards.

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Joe Hoppesch
2012-02-06 18:51:25 UTC
Thank you Matías for the quick response. I see that is slated for 1.3, but I couldn't find an estimated time frame. Do you have a rough idea when that version is slated to be released?


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Matías Pentreath
2012-02-06 19:02:18 UTC
The idea is to have the 1.3 release for the end of May, but anyway I will see if we can do something to move this fix to an earlier version.

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