Confusing documentation ?
2012-01-24 22:53:26 UTC
I wonder if the mule docs is confusing to others as it is to me.. I've been trying to read up on how the reconnection strategy works, and following the docs really doesn't show me anything ?? The page that I've been reading is this, http://www.mulesoft.org/documentation/display/MULE2USER/Configuring+Retry+Policies#ConfiguringRetryPolicies-create
I've set that up and then what ??
If I have a pojo class that connects to an external service, can I use the reconnection feature ?? Any help is greatly appreciated as when I previously posted this question it looked like no one knew the answer..

Thanks in advance

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Adam Causey
2012-01-25 17:35:56 UTC
Sorry, can't help with your issue, but I concur that the docs are very unorganized and confusing.

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Pablo La Greca
2012-01-25 18:16:29 UTC
Hi Adam,

As you can see in the documentation retry policy feature is meant to be used in mule connectors. For instance, if you want to connect to a JMS broker, you can configure in the jms connector a retry policy that will be executed in case that the connection to the broker is down.

AFAIK you can't use it outside a connector.

HTH, Pablo.

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2012-01-25 22:53:11 UTC
Hi Pablo

I wonder if you can help, I have the following configured.. the ftp ip is a nonexistent address, so the service should appear to be down, however the reconnect attempts did not kick in.

<ftp:connector name="ftpConnector" streaming="true">
<spring:property name="retryPolicyTemplate">
<spring:bean class="com.mc.core.retry.AstronomicalRetryPolicyTemplate">
<spring:property name="totalPlanets" value="8"/>

<flow name="FtpService">
<vm:inbound-endpoint path="ftpSender" exchange-pattern="one-way" />

<ftp:outbound-endpoint host="" port="22" path="/path" user="theUser" password="secret" connector-ref="ftpConnector">



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