Mule 3.2 collection-splitter change?
Franco Gasperino
2012-01-30 01:17:28 UTC
Was there a change to the collection-splitter message processor between 3.1.2 and 3.2.1? This behavior:

<sub-flow name="flowA">
<return-argument evaluator="string" expression="message 1"/>
<return-argument evaluator="string" expression="message 2"/>

<flow-ref name="flowB"/>

<logger message="Done" .../>

<sub-flow name="flowB">
<logger message="In flowB" ../>

In Mule 3.1.2, this would produce:
"In flowB"
"In flowB"

In Mule 3.2.1, this produces:
"In flowB"
"In flowB"

It appears that Mule is not only performing split & process on the processor directly after the collection-splitter, but the remaining of the current processor as well.

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2012-01-30 01:22:48 UTC
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Pablo La Greca
2012-01-30 20:32:27 UTC

I'm taking a look at the code to see what has change.

As a workaround please try the following:

<flow-ref name="flowB"/>

instead of:

<flow-ref name="flowB"/>

HTH, Pablo.

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