Schema Validation Filter
Ben Leedham
2012-02-17 10:50:00 UTC

I'm using Mule Studio to set up a simple flow. The whole flow works apart from my schema validation filter. I have an HTTP inbound endpoint which I am posting XML to. I then want that XML validated by the schema validation filter.

Initially the flow was just stopping dead at the schema validation filter, so I did some digging and ended up creating a global schema validation filter and adding it as a ref to a message filter and telling it to throwOnUnaccepted so I could get an exception, like this:

<message-filter throwOnUnaccepted="true" doc:name="Schema Validation">
<filter ref="Schema_Validation"/>

This is good as I actually get an error now, which is:

Root Exception stack trace:
org.mule.api.routing.filter.FilterUnacceptedException: Message has been rejected by filter. Message payload is of type: DocumentImpl
at org.mule.routing.MessageFilter.filterUnacceptedException(MessageFilter.java:99)
at org.mule.processor.AbstractFilteringMessageProcessor.handleUnaccepted(AbstractFilteringMessageProcessor.java:62)
at org.mule.processor.AbstractFilteringMessageProcessor.process(AbstractFilteringMessageProcessor.java:48)
+ 3 more (set debug level logging or '-Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for everything)

So I have a couple of questions. What payload type is the schema validation filter expecting? and how do I set that debug logging level?

All this is run within Mule Studio, no external install of Mule.


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